Monday 28 October 2013

100 Best Secondary Schools In Africa: Top Nigerian School Ranks 36th!

There has been a marked rise of very good secondary schools all over the continent. Whilst government schools within African countries started off the best, following independence, much has changed. For the most part, private schools (we consider missionary school as private) outperform government schools. In addition, international schools have taken Africa by storm. Below is the list of 100 best secondary schools.

JAMB Prepares For 2014 UTME - Begins Registration In November

As the 2013 admission processes for various institutions gradually rounds up, the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board JAMB has begun preparations to kick off the 2014 UTME registration and subsequently the Exams.

This preparation is visible as the board uploads and shows off the brand new registration portal at

Should Schools Consider Digital Textbooks?

(By David Matheson)

The challenge of balancing paperwork and organised digital files is an ever-present battle in the modern school. It therefore seems odd that we challenge school age students to do all of the above in addition to organising exercise books, textbooks and handouts. To then add pressure we provide a measurement of their abilities in a tool as crude as the letters A to E which gets forwarded without their prior knowledge.

If the digital age is supposed to simplify our lives I suppose it is yet to dawn fully.

Friday 25 October 2013

10 tips to help you write your essay

Essays are very important aspects of academia and no one can escape them in the present school system. Many people however, out of not knowing the essential steps of writing a good one, struggle writing their essays. As a result, they receive dismal marks, if at all they get them. This article gives you 10 working steps to follow when writing an essay.
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1. Researching your topic is the best way to start writing an essay. Use all the available sources of expert knowledge at your disposal; from the internet, books, text books, journals and publications to make yourself an expert on the essay topic before you start writing.

The Best Courses to Study through Online Learning – Computer, IT, Business…

Self learning through online education is a popular trend among learners today. Anyone can learn with a computer or mobile phone and internet connection. From social media learning on Twitter, LinkedIn etc to structured online learning platforms; you are learning at you own pace. In the past, distance/online learning was a complicated alternative to tradition classroom learning. There have remained controversies to whether taking online learning courses is worth the time and effort. Sloan Survey of online learning reveals that enrolment rose by almost one million students from previous year in 2010. Further research also shows that the number of students adding online learning courses as part of their regular college curriculum has increased by up to 150%. Online education also has a 21% growth rate which exceeds the 2% growth in overall education. In the field of study with the most number of student enrollment in online learning, computer and information science and technology has the most number of enrollment (27%), followed by business (24%) and General studies (24%), with courses in humanities and Natural Sciences, Mathematics + Agriculture having the lowest rate of enrollment at 14% each. This appears understandable as the courses with the highest number of enrolment (computer/information technology) aligns favorably with the method of online learning compared to other courses, which are better learnt on practical experience.

Why you should consider taking Online learning courses?

Thursday 17 October 2013

9 Characteristics Of 21st Century Learning

The label of “21st Century learning” is vague, and is an idea that TeachThought like to take a swing at as often as possible, including:

–weighing the magic of technology with its incredible cost and complexity

–underscoring the potential for well thought-out instructional design

–considering the considerable potential of social media platforms against its apparent divergence from academic learning

Some educators seek out the ideal of a 21st century learning environment constantly, while others prefer that we lose the phrase altogether, insisting that learning hasn’t changed, and good learning looks the same whether it’s the 12th or 21st century.

15 Free Learning Tools You’ve Probably Never Heard About but need to Utilize


It can be hard to keep up with the ever-growing list of free educational sites out there, much less distinguish which ones will best meet your needs and help you learn skills you really need without shelling out big bucks. New sites are always being launched and even those that have been on the scene for a while sometimes don’t garner enough attention to make it onto your radar, often getting overshadowed by more high-profile sites. As a result, even those who are in the ed tech loop can miss out on some seriously helpful free learning sites. Here we highlight just a few of these under-the-radar free learning sites, that run the gamut from providing full degree programs to simple job-skill training tools, offering a little something for every kind of learner. Continue...


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