Monday 18 November 2013

How To Teach Using Standards Based Instruction

If you’re a new teacher or someone looking to get a firmer understanding of what standards based instruction involves (or even is, for that matter) then this visual guide is packed with useful information. It’s quite dense and may take you quite awhile to get through. However, once you do you’ll know how to determine if students are actually learning or if they’re simply reciting.

That’s a key differentiation between the different levels of learning. Do students appropriately identify main topics, supply background and supplemental information, as well as add in some connection to other topics? Are there parallel ideas being presented? That’s the end goal of this visual guide and hopefully the same goal you have in the classroom.

An important side note: I recently found this on Piktochart, a fabulous (and free!) web tool that lets you create your own infographics even if you are not *ahem* good at graphic design. As someone who is not good at design, I’m not ashamed to say that Piktochart is like a lifeboat for me when I want to make an interesting graphic or visual guide to something fun for Edudemic. It takes a bit of understanding as well as trial and error but that’s to be expected with any graphic design software. Photoshop and Illustrator aren’t exactly easy to pick up and start using in a few minutes! Piktochart is.

Okay, enough about my obsession with Piktochart. Let’s talk about standards based learning. Follow along with this visual guide and be sure to share and print it out so others can learn along with you. Enjoy the journey!


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